Based on the study of space radiation environment, the radiation damage especially caused by total ionizing dose ( TID), single event effect ( SEE) and DD was analyzed respectively. 本文在研究宇宙空间辐射环境的基础上,分别从辐射总剂量、单粒子和位移效应分析了辐射危害。
The radiation environment of outer space is capable of effecting CMOS devices in three ways. The first, termed total does, is accumulated ionizing radiation effects. Two other effects are transient phenomenon called Single Event Upset ( SEU) and Single Event Latchup ( SEL). 外太空辐射环境主要以三种方式影响CMOS器件:总剂量辐射效应(TID),单粒子翻转效应(SEU)和单粒子闩锁效应(SEL)。